Motion Tech Lab
29 Sept 2023
Scriptsee API to Boost Local Innovation, with International Market Focus
Motion Tech Lab, the visionary team behind Scriptsee, has been awarded the New Zealand Callaghan Innovation Arohia Innovation Trailblazer seed grant. This accolade not only propels the company forward but also aligns them for the full Trailblazer grant, promising up to $4 million in funding and national recognition as an “Ārohia Innovation Trailblazer.”
The grant recognizes Motion Tech Lab's potential to significantly contribute to New Zealand's innovation ecosystem. While Scriptsee's primary market is international, a key element of Motion Tech Lab’s strategy involves launching the Scriptsee API for licensing. This move is poised to boost the local tech ecosystem by enabling integration into a variety of applications, from gaming studios to corporate analytics tools.
By embedding Scriptsee into diverse solutions, Motion Tech Lab not only extends its market reach but also significantly increases its company value. This strategic move positions them as a leader in AI-driven content analysis, both in New Zealand and globally.